
a baby story!

my friends dale & jen are having their first baby! last tuesday they went to the dr. to find out the sex... but they didn't let the dr. tell them. he wrote down "it's a ....!" on a sheet of paper and slipped it into a envelope and sealed it. after their appointment they came by the bank where i work and dropped off the envelope to me (aaaah!)

i made it about 2 hours before taking a peek.

you may be wondering why i got to find out first... here comes the good part!
dale & jen were planning a party with their family & friends that friday night where they could share the exciting news of the baby's sex with their loved ones (keep in mind, they still don't know either!!) - they delivered the news to me so that i could bake a cake and color it pink or blue; depending on the sex of the child and when they cut into it at the party, everyone would find out together! (i am getting goosebumps for the 1000th time while typing this)

so i baked a cake, a very SPECIAL colored cake and frosted it bright white with question makes all over...

is it a boy or a girl? if you don't already know... stay tuned for more pictures to find out :)


Alyssa said...

That is the cutest idea EVER!

Kendra said...

I absolutely agree with Alyssa! What a fun idea... if only the cake batter was colored pink or blue, then when the couple cut into a piece, they would know. Great job!

Kendra said...

NICE! i'm glad you took my idea into consideration (HA!) how fun.

OkieMoneyGuy said...

I want to know what happened next!!! (sending some pictures soon, my sister-in-law drove cross-country with the party camera!)